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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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i was told the goals and the problem with any. exclusive r.t. interview the syrian president slams foreign backing for the rebels as the main cause for the escalating conflict in his country. barack obama's sense of a military contingent in poland and plans are not of sanctions against iran just three days after his reelection. and the selective trip advice from tripoli libya is busy attracting choose these days but visitors are being kept in the dark about tragedies like the violent siege and assault of bani walid.
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they're very good morning from moscow if you just joined us just after midnight here now this is our kevin though in syria's president says the conflict in his country has escalated because western powers have handpicked him as the latest bogeyman in exclusive interview with us bashar al assad all that any direct foreign intervention in syria would spark a global disaster the sophie shevardnadze spoke to the embattled leader in his capital. that he is not a western puppet he also denies to fact that civil war is taking place in this country saying that it's not a civil war it's a conflict where he has to fight different fractions of terrorism. and the fact that the financing of this terrorist actions was unprecedented and it was coming from abroad what he told me that if the finest they were to stop then he would probably need about two weeks more to restore peace in his country and he also said that if the west were to intervene militarily it would have
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a domino effect from atlantic to pacific and no one would be gained from that and he also said that west tends to create enemies for themselves like communism iraq saddam hussein and he feels that bashar al assad in syria is the new enemy not syria but he himself so he feels that the fact that conflict has asked because the west has created a new anime in the space i wasn't told that there wasn't a problem you know that we've created. for different reasons we want to create a new. problem with the president he has to do first of all you have to focus on. this i asked him it's not just the west but a lot of countries have betrayed you on the first occasion why do you have so many so many enemies in the arab world he said well actually a lot of arab countries support me but they're afraid to say it out loud i asked
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him why and he said because they're all under the strength and power of petrodollars i also asked him about turkey and if the war with turkey was a real possibility and he didn't doesn't believe that there's going to be an actual war with turkey but he also emphasized the fact that the turkish people are the enemies of syrian people and they're always been a friendly nation it's. his government that's the problem and that's against bashar and wants to all special because god wants to reassure his and strengthen his political position in. and in the region personally thing that had been useful both autumn and you can control intrusion as it was doing both many. different. but not go to any employer not to be wholly for but in his all to think about if i ask him do you regret anything what's your biggest mistake he says of course i have requests and of course i have made mistakes but when i ask him what is your biggest mistake he wouldn't give me a precise answer he said it's too early to talk about precise mistakes and precise
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regrets because the word the conflict is still going on i also asked him if he were to turn the clock back to distance of march that's when the protests started to escalate would he do anything differently and he said no i wouldn't because within the marches within the protest marches there were people who started to shoot innocent civilians and the government forces so the government army had no other choice than to respond with force do what i did exactly the same exactly to think to. different parties through for. and against the terrorist group but i always thought you didn't thought you could because there was very little emotion but within those motions you had militants who thought that. at the same time so he said he wouldn't change much about a year and a half ago when the protests started to grow and escalate he would do exactly the same also uses sophie shevardnadze mccauley just but from damascus if you want to
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see the full exclusive interview with syria's president assad at ten thirty pm g.m.t. he also available in a web site as well streaming whenever you want to see it all to you don't call. me. maybe you feel you have to be. in our to exclusive friday through sunday on r t v dot com. prominent syrian dissidents and exiled opposition figures meantime are meeting in qatar to try and forge a broader alliance against a mask is the syrian national council which is the main umbrella groups leading the conference it's just chosen its new leader george sabra earlier spoke to a prominent member of the s.m.c. who says it has little control though of what's actually happening inside syria. you and your colleagues have been unable to unite the opposition over the past nineteen months of conflict and tens of thousands of people have been killed in that time how do you explain the lack of progress on your end to helping the syrian
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people not out decision it's you know the do around one you find. i said has to go now. but the division within their own house could go at any cost this huge human cost of course. many and all of crimes and this is why he's responsible should be held accountable in front of the international for international court is it not the case there is also blame the similar things and encourage out on the other side as well we've seen we've all witnessed a lot of videos posted online portraying atrocities allegedly committed by the free syrian army torture executions of prisoners what's your organization doing to rein in the rebels that. basically we count down on the humorous very lesions even the committed by the. sick can be sure that there are as there is no central command
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for their fifty eight for the free syrian army this is why we don't know exactly this. sort of iran's relations when we did by individuals are. members of the fifty or just and it groups or maybe i should be you saying that you really have control over a lot of these people and the rebels appear to be openly running a campaign of intimidation targeting assad supporters that have already as you know so but a number of high profile murders including the murder of famous syrian actor what are you going to do to achieve control better in the very near future than we cannot see that we don't have any any any contact or we do have but it's still but still very difficult because because if we count these security when washington said your council needs to be closer to the fight it appeared that you moved your headquarters to syria when the u.s. said you need a broader coalition it appears you've called the meeting in qatar that meeting was happening now is this all coincidence or is it washington calling the shots. the
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new leadership represent. we added more women and more christian we and our white are there minorities and guards. morning and include different different sects inside syria. from cancer alone that was dr radwan from the syrian national council. now only a few days after his victory in the us presidential election barack obama's already making bold steps in the international arena the u.s. sends an air force to touch meant to serve as warplanes in poland which had pressed washington for a security guarantee against its perceived threat from russia also to your u.s. lawmakers reportedly now preparing new sweeping sanctions against iran targeting is foreign business transactions top of the latest round of restrictions imposed by president obama just after is reelected to the white house strains why do we have
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between america and iran to the pentagon revealed a rainy and jets fired of a u.s. drone flying over runs coast only last week. president obama's first moves after he won reelection have pretty much indicated that in the next four years he will aggressively pursue the idea of the u.s. being the world police ministration has imposed financial sanctions against the iranian of the u.s. planes were jamming satellite broadcast and blocking internet access any rain that comes on top of a whole bunch of other sanctions that had been put in place by the u.s. which are proved to be crippling for the iranian economy and the population there is suffering a great deal because of that while campaigning president obama indicated that he didn't want to go to war with iran but that he would continue the sanctions policy and that's what he's doing we've heard reports that the obama administration might engage in direct talks with iran at some point but there has been no confirmation of that. threatens to attack iran and the u.s. appears to be stopping some argue that he was might be playing
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a good cop bad cop diplomatic game there anyway the administration's strategy appears to be to make iran so desperate that they would agree to anything but sanctioning iran was probably not president obama's very first move after winning this election government officials here say that on wednesday a u.s. drone strike targeted a group of al qaida militants. in yemen and the president had to authorize that and possibly he did that within hours after his reelection the use of drones has been highly controversial it's quite clear not everybody by those drones are terrorists and the administration so far has been far from transparent on how they pick the targets and basically. the u.n. has raised concerns about the legality of such executions has been a lot of criticism especially after numerous reports of civilian deaths in the meantime this administration is said to rely on drones more and more and other drone related story this week the pentagon said the reunion military had fired upon
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but did not hit a u. was grown flying close to the pentagon claimed the drone was there on a surveillance mission so looking at some of president obama's first moves after reelection one could say he takes the idea of america being the world police very seriously but the question is who's going to hold that world police itself accountable. if you can there will scope moral motions foreign policy moves to. even brought in thanks for being with us you must be crawling into your boots again not another four years of us being the world's policeman as our correspondent said we are seeing a fresh push on several fronts by the u.s. even while some of those old buddy issues like afghanistan remain unresolved as washington from overextending itself. well i think it's quite ironic that in washington and in the media here there's all this discussion about the fiscal cliff and how the united states is about to suffer an economic
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catastrophe because of budget shortfalls and at the same time you can see the obama administration pursuing a policy of continuity is beefing up all of the money sending all the money the arms the new instruments for warfare and so the cost of the empire is very great of course it's not great for the corporations they're making money hand over fist but it's very costly for the american people who are having tens of thousands really hundreds of thousands of public sector workers what they want to get out of very deep social service cuts they won while they jumping up and down about it in protest the well that that's the thing the people just voted for obama again hoping thinking that there would be an era of peace is something better than mitt romney something better than the ultra militarism of the republican party but you see there's a very fine line between ultra militarism and militarism in the united states the
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american people of course i think will go into the streets because when they realize that social security is on the chopping block medicare education vital social programs and contrast that with endless money for arms i think you'll see big protests and i think they'll actually start on the on inauguration day one of the tool for a minute about that instant is reported to the last week some observers now comparing that last week's shooting at a u.s. drone to the notorious gulf of tonkin incident the thing that spot the u.s. more in vietnam all the many parallels that you think. no i think it i think in one thousand nine hundred eighty four the united states created a pretext the gulf of tonkin which we know later to be a lie a fabrication as if the united states was the victim of aggression from north vietnam because the johnson administration had decided at that point that they were going to go in with hundreds of thousands of american troops i don't think the u.s. government is ready to do that in the case of iran the fact that they concealed it
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before the election shows that the american people are war weary as they are after endless wars in the last decade would be very unsatisfied in alarmed about the possibility of a new conflict with iran i think that's why the obama administration concealed it will be less but it is interesting that they're acting as if obama is and they're acting as if obama is it ron is insubordinate for firing back at planes that over fly it's air space that's a that's amazing so what makes for a run in the elections out of the way the longstanding question of whether iran or not is pursuing nuclear weapons continues a bomb is presumably now in a stronger position to take preemptive action if he's back again but washington so far been reluctant to support those israeli calls what would it take for the u.s. to change its position. i think the united states is not looking for a military strike against iran they're trying to impose severe and are imposing severe economic sanctions with the hope that the iranian people having suffered so
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much economically from inflation unemployment will do as some of them did in one nine hundred fifty three becoming the human material for a cia backed coup d'etat against the existing government in other words the real plan of the united states is to impose so much pressure on iran economically coupled with military threats that ultimately they can destabilize the iranian economy and use forces like the green movement in two thousand and nine to create a political opposition that may be more viable in the future i think that's the real game plan for washington some sort of snow on syria would go on the. course of the flashpoint issue again there's been no openly lukewarm interest only from washington to get involved president assad on this very channel warning this weekend that foreign intervention would spark a global conflict if it how would the u.s. heed that warning though. no i think what's going on is the clinton state department under the direction of president obama coordinated carefully with
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prime minister cameron the british prime minister to announce the possibility of a sanctuary or safe zone as they call it inside of syria that of course would be the first step the next step towards a more direct military intervention i think the british and the american government are determined to overthrow assad if the tenacity of the government as it's proven to be successful so far continues i think we'll see more and more of a tendency for direct intervention military intervention by washington even though they they dread really the possible consequences of it i think it's kind of the logic of empire the empire can allow a small independent government to survive when they've told them you must fall a cut resistance to this law somebody's got to be brief will be told in an infamous open mike instance we all remember last year earlier only she will not promise to be to prevent the us. after the us election will be much more flexible in resolving
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the europe the european missile defense he said to take this information but come washington be expected to walk the talk though you know it's going to happen. no i don't i don't think so i think we can see even now that the agreement with the polish government the station u.s. military personnel there and going ahead with the creation of a missile defense shield which cannot be perceived in any other way by the russian government as a threat as a direct threat against russia also partly just to solidify and incorporate poland into an american influence on russia's border i think this says a lot about the obama administration playing the game of the military industrial complex which has a lot to gain economically and politically in terms of its own positioning in american politics by creating a new kind of cold war atmosphere with russia and that's what the missile defense shield is all about in addition to being very good for business they've spent one
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hundred billion dollars so far on missile defense shield thank you brought back of the life of the u.s. capitol antiwar activist. friday prayers have become a police operation in bahrain we're reporting on that soon the sunni rule is blocking thousands of shia muslims from weekly worship we get a lot of analysis of the old going he said terry and political unrest there. also libya's big market is it too results ball these days but later we hear how travel agents are being accused of copying western media silence on its own stories and details to you after this break. usually the police and occupy protesters are like oil and water but in atlanta they've come together to save the house of
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a former detective jacqueline barber unfortunately ms barber lost a lot of money battling cancer and was facing eviction which she turned to occupy homes for help so far she's managed to stay in her home despite it being sold out from under her feet but the main thing is that her fight to stay in her home has become like a bridge between two groups who are usually at each other's throats the police and occupiers the thing is that cruel economic practices can affect us all even retired police like ms barber i know there are some irresponsible people who buy things they can't pay for and here the police have to do something about them but they shouldn't throw you out of your home that you've paid for for years just for getting cancer no one should have to live with the constant fear that their home will be taken away after years and years of payment just because they got sick and america i thought we believed in private property not eternally rented from big banks but that's just my opinion.
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hello again thousands of shia muslims have been violently stopped from attending friday prayers in bahrain police used tear gas as people tried to gather for worship in the capital manama and they were led by a prominent leader of the country's opposition at the time at least one person has been reported to die during that crackdown public gatherings were banned last week to stem anti regime protests among the shia population state attempts to suppress dissent have seen up to eighty people killed and dozens arrested since last february live to borrow a little less talk or position activist judge for use and is not in bahrain is in london. alone thanks for being with us now on that wednesday the bahraini government revoked the citizenship of thirty one people this couple of days ago dissidents opposition members human rights lawyers clerics and others you indeed say were one of them why were you targeted like that. differently it is a clear message to the opposition that they should accept the consequences and the
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marginal. changes of the constitution which being imposed by the regime that the opposition would accept it and because it is not solving the original problem it is not deep in their reform which is demanded by the opposition so they are not accepting it. so that the government is using for the restraint thing the security measures putting more pressure on the opposition's and one of the tactic that they can. revoke the national team and i am one of these thirty one will be in iraq and as they said it is the beginning maybe second lesson therapist in the way ok well you are in london as a result as we've. faced charges related to your role in the twenty eleven uprising this is what was back state's two plus the thirty month prison sentence on the charges including organizing illegal gatherings why do you think the authorities
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think that you personally is so damaging to national security of all first of all i was acting as an m.p. since two thousand and six and continue for to chair and. part of a will fuck luck parliamentary blocs we had very strong position against corruption against. the budget of the country how it's being manipulated with in the favor of the ruling family and dewey we put them in standing question this fist on the history of bahrain a position wanted to question the ruling family ministers so it's build it up in each other and the same time when the uprising started in fourteen february we founded that more killing is started by the government and. our position was to be with the. people when they demanded peacefully the seriously we fall and no
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positive answer came from the government we resigned and they found it it is. full of the position from the opposition against the ruling family mainly so they want to give. this of the protests and go on for nearly two years now this recent balance in stopping them or why the authorities while the authorities still are willing to listen to your demands. i think they are not trendy yet because if they start to that they definitely. begin to be in a position to get rid of some credibility they have served in. over all of our country they they are ruling the. three bodies exhibited by the legislation body and enjoy a good musician area and they have the power in their hand if they are going to be a serious reform and if they accepted. they will the government they have to
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to to to post more fold the powers to the opposition they don't want and they are delaying it waiting for some regional changes i think one of the changes they wanted to see the americas elections and maybe now they want to see was the result of the conflict in syria another thing that how the confrontation between like the state and iran going to be so they want to play with the game of the time until for the better condition maybe they will be agreed on and if if they found it at this be in their favor and against their will of the opposition just a final thirty seconds before we go to the time so there is a school of thought in iran's hands is behind the bahraini protests and the ruling family think that the question is are you getting outside help what is really on the minds of your countrymen of. best use report clearly indicated that there
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is no role of iran in the internal crisis of bahrain and opposition they don't want to be part of iran the rejecting any connection with iran. iran is using a media to support their opposition's movement but. beyond that there is no. no no no no tangible things and the ground we don't want to be part of your own we don't want any help from iran we want to be an independent part of the arab world that we want. a civil democratic country and dependant definitely we have to solve it with the ruling family and the rest of the content of the people of bahrain and i think this could be done just through a serious dialogue reaching to the serious reform. beyond that all of us will lose the government will lose the people of bahrain will lose a position will lose and even the supervisor was
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a very callous and britons and this is the support for the lose because it is very strategic location of the water here in the. gulf for kelly thank you for your time think of your thoughts opposition activists a life in one of the roads ok thank you. libya's describes many things but have you ever considered it as a holiday hotspot will believe the not some people do although there is one glaring omission among the excursions where the siege ravaged city of bani walid sara first reports now on the travel agents hiding tragedy from the terrorists. we're here at the world travel market a trade show a taking place in london where people can consulates their holiday inspiration or that scout an exotic spot for a honeymoon one country you probably wouldn't expect to see being touted as a tourist. and that's libya the places where the tourist interesting the site is a political fight it's completely say it's got to be saved more than even dollars
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to big towns like london new york but there's somewhere that's not mentioned in the guide burke bani walid a desert town this remain loyal to formally to colonel gadhafi it's just a few hours dry southeast of the traditional tourist destination tripoli but it's a world away from the safe environment the two guides the pitching the town's become the scene of some of the fiercest fighting since the libyan uprising last year but despite reports of indiscriminate shelling and gas attacks on the local population at the hands of the libyan army there's been an almost total media blackout in the. us he ran the story for more than a fortnight before anyone else picked it up back in london and despite libya being shake a stick it seems that bani walid has once again been conveniently left out the conversation when i saw this. it was a ghost surprise and.


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